Xalan Vallinaeux

"Don't you know about the Devil? He's a Gentleman."

21+ | Crystal | Malboro | CST

Age: Appears: 28 Actual: 634
Height: 7'9"
Race: Au Ra | Xaela
Gender: Male
Voice: Brian Warner (Marilyn Manson)
Sexuality: Demisexual / Monogamous
Relationship Status: Married to Venus Veridian
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Place of Origin: Azim Steppe
Current Residence: Hell || Ishgard
Titles: God of the Dead || King of Hell

"Have you heard the tale of the Ghost of the Azim Steppe?"There was the Past: Xalan and his twin sister Celine were inseparable, born into the heart of the Tahshi Clan. While Xalan was known for his mischievous nature from an early age, he was also fiercely protective of his sister and had a strong sense of justice. The two siblings shared countless adventures, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.
As the twins matured, they became indispensable to their clan, both possessing unique abilities. When the time came for Celine to find a suitor, the Tahshi Clan held a grand festival where their best warriors vied for her hand. However, Celine had a gift - the ability to see into people's hearts. As she peered into the souls of the suitors, she was horrified by the darkness she found within the clan's warriors and leaders.
Choosing to follow her heart, Celine declined all proposals, hoping for a chance to bring about change within her clan. But her defiance came at a high cost. The clan's leaders, blinded by anger and arrogance, kidnapped, tortured, and ultimately murdered her in an act of ruthless cruelty.
Devastated and consumed by grief, Xalan vowed to bring justice to the Tahshi Clan. That night, he wielded his family's ancestral war-blade and became the Reaper, unleashing a brutal retaliation that wiped out the entire clan, sparing no one - men, women, or child.
But vengeance came at a terrible price. Xalan's soul was now tainted by a dark evil, haunting his every step. He struggled to come to terms with the horrors he committed, haunted by nightmares and the guilt of his actions. He entered into self Exile.There was the Present: Years passed, and Xalan continued to walk a path of darkness, bringing justice to those who could not seek it for themselves, but the darkness within him grew ever stronger. However, during a dangerous bounty assignment, fate brought him to the doorstep of the Yakuza.Recognizing the power and potential of the Reaper, the clan leader offered Xalan a chance at redemption. He saw not only a skilled warrior but also a tormented soul who sought purpose and direction. Hired as a protector for the Yakuza family, Xalan found an unexpected ally, who helped him see that he could still find a semblance of honor and balance within his darkened heart.As time went on, Xalan's travels took him westward, where he encountered diverse individuals. Some became friends, while others presented moral dilemmas that challenged his principles. Along his journey, he discovered a sense of camaraderie and compassion he had long believed lost, learning that redemption was possible.

My Beloved Venus ♥: I didn't see it coming, but I never really had much faith. In the universes magic, till it pulled us to that time and place.~Falling into the enchanting orbit of your love was not a mere choice; it was a cosmic inevitability, a force that transcended my very existence. From the moment our eyes met, the universe whispered that you were the missing piece my heart had been yearning for. You are the embodiment of everything I've ever craved.Loving you is like finding my way home. Your presence wraps around me like a warm embrace, creating a haven of belonging unlike anything I've ever known. It's a sanctuary—gentle, inviting, and forever welcoming. You are the refuge I want to return to, the anchor for the rest of my days.What incredible fortune I've stumbled upon, discovering my best friend and soulmate wrapped in the same captivating soul. The prospect of sharing my life with you fills me with a joy words fail to capture. This is not merely a chapter; it's the prologue to a story of a love so profound that it defies all expectations.In our shared narrative, anger finds no place, resentment is a stranger, and passive aggressiveness is but a distant memory. There is no room for deceit, sadness, or dishonesty. Instead, our life together is a tapestry woven with warmth, coziness, and a sense of completeness that only true love can provide.Our communication is a dance of understanding, a melody of patience and love that accompanies even the most challenging conversations. We respect each other wholeheartedly, recognizing that the essence of our love lies in the mutual admiration and acceptance we share.Thank you for revealing to me the beauty of healthy love and demonstrating that genuine happiness is not just a fleeting emotion but a constant companion. Together, we've discovered an indescribable love—one that fosters growth, facilitates healing, and inspires shared dreams. It's a perfection I never dared to dream of.I stand here, in awe of our journey, pondering the cosmic alignment that led me to you. Here's to our future, to crafting the life of our dreams, and to a happiness that knows no bounds.With all my love,~ Xalan

The Ghost of the Azim Steppe: Au Ra from the steppe,
are familiar with his tale.
Though these days it is regarded as little more than a legend.
A story to scare children into behaving.
Broken Soul Those gifted with Aether, or soul sight, can see that there are three soul shards within Xalan, all constantly fighting for control.Hunter A well traveled mercenary, known for his willingness to take on any job, be it human or monster, Xalan will hunt them down to the ends of the earth.King of Hell Name what you want, and it shall be yours, for a price. Perhaps something of deep personal value? Perhaps your soul.Tattoos
Tattoos span his arms chest and back, various and intricate designs that tell a tale, if you look close enough.
Aether Xalan's Aether is darkened and corrupted. Often feeding on itself, which requires Xalan to constantly feed on Aether for survival. Xalan only takes Aether from willing donors. His darker self, Vessel on the other hand, feeds on anyone and anything.


Venus Veridian: "But you.. You have stolen my heart.. You have crawled under my skin, and infected me with your delicious poison.."His beloved wife ♥ Xalan's encounter with Venus was nothing short of serendipity, a fateful meeting that ignited an everlasting flame within his heart. The instant he gazed into her mesmerizing eyes, he knew that his destiny was forever entwined with hers. Now, as he holds her close, no force in the universe can part them. Should any misfortune befall his cherished Little Vampire, he would willingly traverse galaxies and consume the very cosmos itself to protect and preserve her.

Komorebi Tsundoku: "Do we have a deal, Komorebi?"Xalan encountered Komo in the traditional manner that often introduces true companions. From a casual acquaintance, she has evolved into a cornerstone of his existence, serving as a stabilizing force against life's adversities. Komo imparts insights that reveal unexplored facets of Xalan's own identity, reciprocated by his reciprocal influence on her journey. With an unwavering trust that extends beyond the ordinary, Xalan considers Komo not only as his confidant but also as his dearest friend. His commitment to her well-being transcends boundaries, and he stands ready to safeguard her at any cost, ensuring her perpetual happiness.

Agito Malaguld: Agito holds a special place in Xalan's heart as his closest confidant, a bond forged through mutual trust and shared experiences. Their friendship blossomed in the typical manner, facilitated by mutual connections, yet for Xalan, Agito transcends mere companionship. To Xalan, Agito is more than a friend; he is a chosen family, an adopted son deserving of unwavering protection, a testament to the trials they've overcome together.

Lokir Astur: Lokir emerged as an unforeseen presence in Xalan's world, a connection forged through Agito. Swiftly ingratiating himself within the inner sanctum of the Devil, Lokir resonated with echoes of Xalan's own essence. Recognizing a kindred spirit, Xalan embraced Lokir as a son, his commitment to safeguarding him unwavering. Eager to pass on his wisdom, Xalan endeavors to mentor Lokir, grooming him as a potential heir to the throne of the Devil.

Falka B'ah:
Friend or foe? Can a person truly encompass both roles? In Falka, Xalan finds an enigmatic blend of trust and doubt, a peculiar dance between camaraderie and rivalry. They initially crossed paths through a brief collaboration, and as they got to know one another, Xalan realized that their similarities ran deep. Now, these kindred spirits engage in friendly competition, pushing each other to excel in their personal pursuits

Sanyu Fukumoto: Somone who entered Xalan's life in the usual way. A friend with whom he has engaged in intellectual conversation many times. One of the first who did not see him as a monster, but as someone with the potential to do good and be a good friend. Sanyu, has helped him in more ways than one. Helping him to understand more about himself, and he in turn, helping Sanyu. They are also a giver of snacks, which rose them to the status of Xalan's favorite person.

Timezone: CST Time Zone, Texas
Age: 28
Free Days: Most evenings.
I work in a medical clinic, and am free weekends and most days after 5pm CST
As a note, I am in a relationship IRL, and not looking for IC or OOC relationships, or anything outside of Roleplay/platonic friendships.Thank you for taking the time to read my Carrd! Xalan is a dear character of mine, I have only been playing Final Fantasy off and on for about 4 years now. I am a rather friendly individual, I'd like to think, though very introverted so it's hard for me to reach out and talk to people, even though I may like them. >////< just shoot me a tell or message me via discord if you'd like to chat, RP or just be friends! I've been roleplaying on various MMO's/Table tops for the past 15 years, so if you have any questions feel free to ask!